If everyone was mentally incapable of lying, how would that change the world?

Akai Negi
5 min readDec 8, 2021

Truth and lie are the two faces of a coin; If the world is half true then the other half is a complete lie. That’s what it has always been but what if, in a utopian system, if and only if truth prevailed what impact it would have on our lives, on our society, on our minds and how everyday activities would take place? What changes will it bring to society?

Firstly, let’s talk about the meaning of the word truth. Going by my sense of understanding, I feel truth is all about being straightforward to others and ourselves. Truth is an emotion; we act out the truth with our actions in our daily routine. Truth is an umbrella term that holds a lot of other values within- integrity, dignity, humility, freedom, liberty, etc.

“Change is certain”.

Gandhiji’s truth was in the form of Satyagraha and his truth reflected a wider scope of freedom. His truth inspired many, his beliefs were his truth and non-violence.

You know it is said, values and ethics are inculcated gradually by the course of one’s development in a society; our stature is molded by the people, situations, and struggles that surround us. Truth and lie are two facts, not inbuilt but integrated within, by others.

What If we had a genetic material of speaking, seeing, or eating only truth?
How the world would be?

“We will be syncing”.
  1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECT: Only programming truth would benefit society the most, our society is diverse, we are secular, and we plan to live securely. With this power of speaking just truth, we as a community will do wonders.
    There will be more clarity in relations, there would be fewer insecurities or complexities in an individual. We may hurt others with our truth too by being too straightforward but as it is said truth is always bitter. Imagine a truthful society, there will never be a criminal at loose, he will always function in a true sense, accepting mistakes.
    You know what is damaging the economy — the anti-social elements circling the people’s money, corruption, and money laundering, everything would be under control. We will say the truth, we cannot hide it, and it will disclose itself. We will become an egalitarian society, companies would make policies based on truth.

2. MENTAL /PHYSICAL ASPECT: We are just saying the truth, we would be happier because there is nothing to hide, it is all open. Speaking the truth would help in better communication between people and trustworthy interests in relations.
Nowadays, filters and social media are reflecting insecurities among teens, they hate themselves for the way they look, and speak, always intimidated by the fact that society might judge them. But what if we know how we were, and what values we already have, this mental capability to speak only the truth would help in not normalizing such stigmas in society.
In my opinion, we would love ourselves more, we would be tolerant more.
we will live longer.

3. POLITICAL ASPECT: Truth revolves around nation building, as I have said, the truth would bring clarity and communication, and we would be able to voice our true opinions; imagine even politicians might keep their promises. There would be development and respect.

“you and me, together”.

Truth patronizes Democracy, it will promote equality, and we will flourish every second.

Yes! The truth might change everything in a utopian system, but what about in reality?

There comes Lie. Our mental and physical capability to lie can be simple and can be too complex as it depends on what the consequences of that lie would be. Some lies questions one’s ethical and moral grounds and some lies are best if kept hidden, like, for example- telling someone they are overdressed for an event, complimenting someone on how they look when innately you may feel the opposite of it, etc. — such kinds of lies, according to me, are white lies.

So, if we switch off this “telling lie button” completely, Ethically and morally we may be doing the right thing, but in the real world, we can never hurt someone’s feelings or morals or principles
or show any kind of discrimination, especially in a democratic society.

When I think of it, “TELLING NO LIE” has a lot of disadvantages, it would increase the “socio-economic gap” among the self-made hierarchical system of the society; more divisions would take place; think about it, when TRUTH gives a Democratic voice, on the other hand, it will create dictatorship control of a few; as other emotions, like anger, hate, crying, sadness, happiness would still prevail.

Also, only truth would somewhat create a full stop to innovations, as any wrecked theory by random people would be non-questioned enough. Hence there would be less development or a stagnant phase of development in society.

“Find the balance”.

In conclusion, no society can live withoutany of the two extremes, and in my opinion, both truth and lie, balance each other, maybe white lies are necessary but it is always the truth, in any case, that will prevail.




Akai Negi

“There’s always a way, keep looking for it”.